Pascale et Michel GIRARDEAU


  • 33 (0)3 85 91 72 85
  • 33 (0)6 87 75 14 75
  • French

On-site services

Others :


En train: Les gares les plus proches sont celles de Chalon (24 km) sur Saône et Beaune (22 km).

Bus: Ligne 716 : Chalon-sur-Saône à Pierre-de-Bresse. Consultez le réseau Mobigo Bourgogne Franche-Comté.

Plus d'infos, sur le site de l'Office de Tourisme.

Point of Tourist Info

Passez à l'Office de Tourisme Saône Doubs Bresse.

3, Place Charvot 71350 Verdun sur le Doubs

Horaires du bureau d'information (cliquez-ici).

Téléphone: +33 (0)3 85 91 87 52


Bienvenue en Saône Doubs Bresse pour un séjour nature entre rivières et campagne. Prairies verdoyantes, champs aux différentes cultures céréalières, berges de rivières ponctuent ce territoire. Eglises, moulins, ponts, châteaux, tours, calvaires…les villages de charme regorgent de curiosités architecturales.

Pour vous aider à préparer vos déplacements en Bourgogne, consultez le réseau Mobigo Bourgogne Franche-Comté (train, bus, tram, car, vélo, covoiturage, autopartage...)


Fire department: 18


SAMU: 15


Police: 17


Medical office ...

Strict sanitary measures for your safety

Come stay with us in peace, we do everything to welcome you in the best health and safety conditions.

  • Eco-friendly cleaning kit offered and changed between each rental, including the following 3 ECOLABEL products: floor, dishes and multi-surfaces
  • 100% recyclable disposable pads and pillowcases offered for each rental - OR the pads and pillowcases are washed at high temperature and changed at each rental -
  • Provision of protective equipment changed between each rental: hydroalcoholic gel, various disinfectants and eco-friendly for cleaning, hand soap, 100% recycled toilet paper…
  • Cleaning provided between each rental with ECOLABEL products and disinfectants
  • Recycling bin in the furnished room or the bedroom to facilitate waste management
  • Availability of the cleaning, health security and eco-friendly checklist